well hello blog world,
i have had my hands full with the little dude... but he's sound asleep at the moment so i thought i'd check in.
mommyhood is such a radically different experience than i had envisioned. better, worse - much more hectic. things occur daily that i wouldn't have even considered the day before... oh the learning curve is steep. but you do it, and prepare yourself for the next adventure.
i love our little dylan. he is sooo, so cute. a little man. i love when he stares into my eyes - looking for love, reassurance, quiet, guideance, confirmation... all of it. he's a good baby, and though he gets fussy, he's quite proper. most of the time his hands are gently closed over his belly as if he's paying respect to someone. maybe it's me... maybe it's no one... ah, doesn't matter it's just really cute.
anyway, i admit i get bored when he's asleep and i am alone in the house, but pretty much every moment he's awake makes it all worth while. i'm glad i've taken 12 weeks off instead of only 6. he's five weeks monday (2 days) and i can't imagine leaving him home in a week. he's too little, and i'm too new for that to be okay. i probably will think 12 weeks isn't enough either, but i'll deal with that later.
i think i owe a big thank you to whomever is guiding this universe... be it god, be it energy, be it the marionette holder. you've blessed me with a wonderful husband, and blessed us with this gorgeous person that we get to help grow. i am humbled.