Saturday, April 26, 2008


It's morning, i'm not feeling the greatest, and what i really want to be doing is sleeping. Alas, that is not in the cards - I'm wide awake. I'm nestled on my couch in a deliciously comfortable fleece blanket and being kept company by the cats, who occasionally talk to me, but have their attention often captured by the birdies outside.
Chirp Chirp Chirp! they say, conversing about their new residence, global warming, and - obviously - the election. Our 2nd story apartment affords us a simple view of the trees which line our street. I swear, yesterday they were not this green. One of the greatest features of our place when we were looking was the tranquility we felt by being perched up in our own little tree house. I had forgotten.

Well, it's back, the green. And being awake to breathe it in ain't so bad.
